Franchise Renewal Agreement

November 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

Is it that time of year again? Often it’s a time of celebration with your franchisee, marking another solid year of continued growth. If it has not been stellar, prepare to hear all about it.Then again, this is a time of rebirth and renewal and there may have been some changes you would like to see in current and new franchisees. Take this time to reflect on what you want to change and then make it happen. The real power lies with the current franchisees who have a large stake in the organization. Changing things now may upset them or empower them – you may want to talk with them in a focus group setting or simply one one one over the phone – or better yet – over lunch, your treat.

Whatever the venue, the power is in the paperwork. What is promised to one must be afforded to the other. So it is with all contractual paperwork. The tough part is hammering out all of the same documents but feeding different names in each caption. This can be done with a mail merge type macro but I found it is easier using a simplified franchise system. The first step of course is to consult your franchise attorney about any new changes to the business – making sure you can make these changes will be key to franchisee survival and renewal. Making those changes and getting it all down on paper is often the tedious part, what with copying and pasting nonstop. Then again a software application like FranZoom’s Pro Bundle offers the ability to simply type and print – to all franchisees. Thus saving you time and money from having to edit each individual ones address, franchisee number and franchisee location.

Once you have all of your contracts in order its best to contact each franchisee personally and let them know the changes that are forthcoming. Surprises are great for birthdays, not so much for business. Your franchisees know their rights and must be assured that staying with your franchise system is a more viable option than being forced into a non-compete clause.