You send a franchise contract example to comply with franchise law but it can do so much more than just keep you legal.

October 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

You are required to send a franchise contract example no less than a week before the time comes to sign contracts (franchise agreement, OM  etc… ) and make the franchise relationship between and that new franchise owner a binding marriage.  When you think about it, one week is not much time for a potential franchise owner to review a legally binding document that will become his or her new life for many years to come. That is why when you are developing your plan to get good franchise information to future franchise owners, it is smart to do more than what is required by franchise law.

The process of sending to hopeful and wide eyed franchise applicants things like the franchise disclosure document and the franchise contract example is dictated by law so that nobody puts their name on the dotted line not knowing what they were getting into.  In the history of franchise development, there have been plenty of cases of fraud and companies selling fake franchises only to take a powder with the franchise fees and leave some heartbroken franchise applicants with nothing left but broken dreams.

The heavy handed legal overhead that requires that you send documents like the franchise contract example are part of the steps the government watch dog types did to get in the middle of the process of building a franchise relationship and make everyone play nice. That background might help you not dread every minute that goes into preparing workable documents such as the franchise contract example because these documents are the building blocks to one of the truly great business relationships you can have when that franchise owner kicks in and starts making piles of money for you.

Don’t let the franchise contract example do all the hard work of building a relationship with that franchise owner.

It is easy enough to do the bare minimum when putting together the franchise contract example.  You can send along basically a replica of the franchise agreement that will be signed when that big day comes to make the franchise relationship permanent.  But instead of seeing the franchise contract example as a big fat nuisance, think again.  What it really should look like to you is a big fat opportunity to build a solid relationship with each new franchise owner.

If you put yourself in the shoes of that new franchise applicant, unless they are a seasoned old pro at buying a franchise, they are looking to you to guide them through the process.  By making the process easy rather than hard and by using tools such as the franchise contract example to replace that look of confusion and fear with one of trust and excitement, you will have worked some serious magic and built a friend for life in that new franchise owner.

That friend for life will work like a Trojan to build the best possible franchise for you.  By simply delivering that franchise contract example with time to spare, you are helping that franchise rookie understand every paragraph of that important document.  Then by opening lines of communication so questions can be asked, those interactions turn into a business relationship that will result in a dynamite franchise partner who will just keep on delivering the goods for you year after year after year.

Examine the franchise contract example that you get from the franchisee carefully so you can be certain that you agree with every line of it before buying into that franchise.

June 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

In the last weeks before final papers are signed, the franchising company will send a franchise contract example to you as part of disclosure.  To the prospective franchise buyer, these franchise disclosure documents are not optional to how the tricky negotiations to buy that franchise roll out. So when that franchise contract example shows up, pay attention to it because you will find there a laundry list of what the franchising company expects of every small business owner who wants to hang that franchise corporate logo outside their business.

When a company sells franchises to grow fast, there is a huge priority on making absolutely certain that every franchise they sell looks, smells and operates exactly the same as every other franchise. The franchise contract example is their way of sending up that flare to you that if you sink your teeth into running one of their franchise operations, you will pony up whatever it takes to live up to that uniform image of the brand.  By sending you a franchise contract example, they are laying down the rules of the game. You need to know the lay of the land because if you don’t play by their rules, the results spelled out in the franchise contract example can be pretty harsh.

If you have been curious what you are getting yourself into, the arrival of that franchise contract example is there to answer that question.  Give this document some serious and concentrated attention.  When the final version of that same document shows up with the option to sign on the dotted line, it is assumed you know every paragraph in line backwards and forwards because you have studied and agree with everything in that franchise contract example.

The franchise contract example is the prototype of a franchise agreement that is more binding than the marriage contract so take it seriously.

If you do not agree with everything in the franchise contract example, now is the time to bring that up, not after the franchise agreements have been signed.  This is also the time to get your legal eagles on the case to look that franchise contract example over in detail to make sure your interests are well protected and that you are not agreeing so something that is outrageous.  So do not be shy about getting some high powered franchise lawyers in on the game so they can watch your back long before the time to write that check and buy that franchise comes along.

There are a lot of details buried in the franchise contract example that should give you a very clear vision of the future once you own and operate a profitable franchise small business.  That future will include keeping that franchise name squeaky clean and living up to the financial obligations of running that franchise so it lives up to corporate standards. It is true that being a franchise owner is not the same as working for that company but it is the next best thing.  You are expected to keep your facility clean and in good repair. By signing that final franchise agreement, you are saying loudly to the franchise company that you will live up to every tiny detail in the franchise operations manual. So be sure you get a crack at reviewing that document in intense detail as well.

There are a lot of documents involved in buying a franchise so you can become a very successful franchise owner.  But there is plenty of disclosure given about what those documents mean and the franchise contract example is one of those crucial disclosure pieces of literature.  Sure, the fun of running a franchise is in operating an exciting business and finding ways to store all of the big profits you will make.  Look on this review of the franchise contract example as part of paying your dues so you can have that fun once your franchise doors are open.  That will make this tricky process of looking at, tweaking and signing franchise agreements a lot easier to put up with.