Making the hotel operations manual a part of every standard operating procedure you employ to keep your hotel running great is just smart business.

Too often the hotel operations manual is considered a big nuisance when you have a big hotel franchise to run. While the policies and procedures of running a prosperous hotel franchise are very unique to this exciting industry, the format of the hotel operations manual will often follow a common operations manual template that is frequently useful in running a money making franchise.

Running a hotel can be a frantic situation. But with the help of a good hotel operations manual, you will have prepared ways to deal with the many unusual situations that spring up when you are running a money making hotel franchise operation.  A hotel operations manual is much more than a dusty book you pull out once in a blue moon just to say you reviewed it.

This book is often referred to as a SOP or the big book of standard operating procedures. But whatever you or your employees call it, the hotel operations manual for keeping your franchise running like a top is an essential tool for you to be sure your customers are happy, your employees are happy and that you keep those rooms filled which makes your bank account very happy indeed.

The hotel operations manual is a book with a purpose.

Like any good tool you will use to run your hotel, the hotel operations manual has many reasons for existing and many ways it pays its way in your operation.  Because you will get a template for your hotel operations manual from the franchisee, the hotel operations manual’s first purpose will be to give you franchise information that you need to keep your nose clean with the people who own the logo that you hang on the building.

The hotel operations manual should also become the bible of how to handle just about every situation imaginable in a busy hotel on a daily basis.  You don’t have to be in the hotel business long before you know that you can all kinds of situations that come up because of all that goes on each week in your hotel. Your employees need to know what to do if a guest fall off a chair and breaks her pink finger or if there is a more serious emergency such as a serious storm or a terrorist attack. While some emergencies may be a little far fetched, a good hotel operations manual will give you the standard operating procedure so you, your staff and your guests will know what to do.

Above all the hotel operations manual is written to be sure you are providing the very best service on the planet to your guests.  If you can make sure you provide the best service imaginable to those paying hotel guests, they will come back and send you tons of referrals as well. That is how you find yourself dealing with a hotel that is constantly booked to the rafters with happy customers with lots of money to spend. Those happy customers mean a happy hotel franchise owner and happy franchise partners as well because you took the time to know your hotel operations manual inside out. That will always be time well spent.


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