The legal framework and charity formation of the Netherlands

February 3, 2016 by  
Filed under Franchise Resource Center

The legal framework and charity formation of the Netherlands states that the word charity means to the tax qualification of an entity which nearly pursues a people purpose. It is referred to as an ANBI ALGERNEEN NUT BEOGENDE INTELING or a general interest pursuing organization. The implementation of an ANBI has no bearing in company law or civil law. But implementation is found in the general code of tax.

The regulations and the charitable purposes in Netherlands show that whether an entity is fulfilling a people purpose or not is a matter of face and the constitutional files of the entity are correct in this context. The donor relief and taxation policy is that the donations to qualifying ANBI are exempt from inheritance tax and donor tax.

Donations by qualifying ANBI are exempt from donor tax if the rules are met for exemption. The Netherlands also do philanthropy work internationally.