Can I Franchise My Business?

January 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

If you have a thriving business and are thinking of expanding it, you have probably asked the question, Can I franchise my business?” At the end of the day, the answer to this question depends on the state of your business and on your readiness to take on the role of a franchisor.

As you set out to answer the question “Can I franchise my business?” you should note that not all business people who try to franchise their businesses succeed at it. This happens for various reasons. To avoid ending up in a similar situation, you should do all your franchising “homework” ahead of time.


Can I Franchise My Business AND Do So Successfully?


The first thing you need to do is to look at the state of your business. Is it a successful business? Has it been performing well consistently? Your answer should be positive. In addition, you should already have units of the same business operating in a few different locations.

In order to succeed as a regional or national franchise, it is also ideal for the goods or services being sold to have something distinct about them that can be reproduced nationwide by people other than the franchisor. At the same time, there should be a demonstrated demand for them. There is no point in franchising a business that provides services or goods that are not sought after. Once the initial buzz surrounding the franchising dies down, there is no guarantee that the latter type of business will attract the attention of potential franchisees and customers. Undertaking market research is one of the ways to get around making this kind of mistake.

An important part of answering the question “Can I franchise my business?” involves seriously thinking about the changes that franchising will bring to the business and to your role in it. If you have very rigid ideas about the shape of the business, you may have to let go of some of them. Making the business more amenable to franchising might necessitate modifying part of your operation. It will certainly necessitate your adoption of a new role that entails marketing your ideas to others and teaching them.

If, after carefully considering all these steps, you are still interested in franchising, it is time to look into the legal requirements, financial arrangements and operational details that come with franchising. Your answer to the question, “Can I franchise my business?” will ultimately depend on your willingness to tackle these steps.

Business Franchise Templates

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

As a prospective franchisor you have surely heard about different ways to franchise your business. The so-called do-it-yourself route, incorporating the use of business franchise templates, is one of them.

Many franchising resources stress the importance of seeking professional help from franchise consultants and franchise lawyers for the most important steps of the franchising process. Franchise consultants’ knowledge and experience often put them in an ideal position to assess businesses’ potential for franchising and to advise which franchising path would work best for each individual business. Their biggest selling point is that, with the resources that they have, they can provide personalized attention to each prospective franchisor.

The analyses franchise consultants undertake and the recommendations they give are bound to take into account the idiosyncrasies of a particular business and its owner. They are also bound to recognize the role that the business can play in the broader market if it is franchised, and its likelihood to succeed. However, all of this personalized advice comes at a price. Paying professionals to walk you through the franchising process can cost a tidy sum. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the particular franchise consultant whose assistance you seek will give you the best possible assistance. As does every field, franchise consulting has its share of mediocre people.


When Are Business Franchise Templates an Option?


In recognition of these problems, some people take care to shop around before finally settling on a particular franchise consultant. They may seek out a franchise consulting agency that comes highly recommended by successful franchisors. Others try to do without a consultant. Those who choose the latter path may turn to websites about franchising and seek out books on franchising to get a sense of what lies ahead. They may also look for business franchise templates, which they can then use to make franchise packages (containing all the important documents that govern the franchising relationships).

Business franchise templates cost much less than a franchise consultant’s services. However, they only include information about the most basic steps and documents involved in franchising. Thus, they give a prospective franchisor a sense of the basics that franchising his or her business will entail. They do not devote attention to special circumstances, nor do they anticipate unusual or unpredictable needs. Additionally, they do not provide the prospective franchisor with market research relevant to his or her business.

Clearly, there are disadvantages to going with business franchise templates, but some people swear by them. It is likely that these people had relatively straightforward franchising needs and also took the initiative to do much of the research that they would otherwise have paid a consultant to do.

Become a Franchiser and Watch Your Business Grow

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

If you are interested in seeing your business expand, there are some different possibilities you should consider. Among the more interesting ones is learning how to become a franchiser.

Franchising is not for the feeble-hearted. It is an endeavor that requires ambition and stamina. It can only come to fruition if a business owner is willing to do whatever it takes to become a franchiser. Business owners who are just fine with the current state of their businesses and have absolutely no interest in making revolutionary changes to the way they operate are probably better off not venturing into franchising. The process is so involving and drawn out that only those who are enthusiastic about it can stay the course and remain convinced that they have made the right decision.

Stamina is absolutely necessary because the franchising process takes a long time to bear fruit. It involves changes to one’s business, hours of paperwork, attention to legal requirements, and visits to banks and other financial backers. When the prospective franchiser becomes an official registered franchiser and has to start selling franchises, there is still a lot more work to be done. Prospective franchisees are not simply going to appear because one wants them to. Much work has to be done to market the idea to them and, essentially, to “court” them.


Recommendations on how to become a franchiser


If you are not fazed by these challenges then you should jump right into researching what it takes to become a franchiser. You could turn to online resources for this activity as well as to the local library’s books on business, entrepreneurship and franchising. You are likely to encounter useful recommendations along the way, including the ones outlined below.

First and foremost, you will have to determine whether your business is suitable for franchising. This will entail seeing that it meets the standard for innovation and replicability. It will also require research into the existence of a market for your proposed franchise.

Secondly, you will have to find out what the laws surrounding franchising are on both the national and regional levels. This is a pretty straightforward step as long as you intend to consult a franchise lawyer.

A third recommendation involves deciding what model you are going to adopt for franchising your business. You will have to think about such matters as the experience you want your franchisees to have and the amounts you want to charge them in royalties and franchising fees. In short, you will have to make the detailed guidelines by which you will operate your franchise.

These are just a few tips to help you understand a bit about what it takes to become a franchiser. To learn more, take the time to review the resources available to you.

New Services Help You Franchise Your Business Right

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Franchise Articles

With the boom in businesses as the economies across the world begin to recover from the dark times of the past decade, new interest is being taken in helping to franchise your business. The franchise model, always a favorite in capitalist economies, is taking a new level of popularity.

This seems to be mostly due to the advantages that the franchise model has. In an economy on the route to a slow recovery, franchises allow entrepreneurs to establish a business that already has an existing brand with a reputation and corporate presence. Otherwise, the business owners would have to establish all of this from scratch, facing several start-out years that could make or break their business. Given the bumpy road of the economy at this time, that would be a major risk.

But, it’s not all easy even with franchising, as a potential business owner has to prove their worth to a company with such an esteemed reputation. This is where new services are coming into being, which specialize in helping to franchise your business.

Both new business owners and established companies are both flocking to these services, relying on their skills with legal and business writing to make sure a tight contract is drafted. This ensures that the business owner can live up to the standards of practice that the parent companies hold dear.

On the other hand, if you’re a potential business owner hoping to franchise your business, these companies are also very useful in helping to show how professional your attitude is, before you open your doors to the public. Considering that every action you take in trying to procure a franchise with a large company will be scrutinized by them, this is a vital thing to get right.

These services specialize in making sure that not only the writing and points of contract are done right, but that the contract looks good as well. It’s often easy to forget that even strictly-business documents should have some visual merit to them as well. These factors include a myriad of things from spacing and fonts to format of the document file and color schemes.

If you’re looking to franchise your business with an established, reputable company for a stronger sense of security presence, there has never been a better time either financially or technologically to attempt it.